Our focus of interest is the dual character of cities as main emitters of greenhouse gases and as intellectual and productive hubs that facilitate the development of sustainable initiatives.
Global challenges have local effects. Cities have become epicenters of social, economic, and environmental crises.
Cities emit 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. (UNOPS)
1 billion urban citizens live in informal settlements, but this number could reach 2 billion by 2030. (UNOPS)
80% of urban employment belongs to the informal sector. (UNOPS)
255 million people living in cities face extremely high water stress, this number is expected to reach 470 million by 2030. (UNOPS)
Global challenges demand local responses sensitive to cultural changes. The twenty-first century witnesses the agency of cities as sustainable catalysts leaving behind the eras of nation-states and empires.
Cities cover only 1% of the Earth's surface. (UNOPS)
Cities produce 80% of global wealth. (UNOPS)
Cities consume 78% of the world's energy. (UNOPS)
Sources: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)